Natural Science


The Biosphere is the global ecosystem which contains all other ecosystems. It is like a giant puzzle in which every living thing is an important piece.

Types of BioDiversity

Food Chains

What is a Food Chain??

Differences between a Food Chain and a Food Web



Enjoy with this song 



Endangered Species
I would like you to watch this video realed to Endangered species from the publisher "The Guardian". This article refers to LIONS.

“The lion was historically distributed over most of Africa, southern Europe, and the Middle East, all the way to northwestern India. [Now] the vast majority of lion populations are gone.”

Click on the map

But.... what can we do in order to preserve the Biodiversity in the Earth?
Let´s listen to some pieces of advices from the UNESCO

This was caused by us.....

This video compiles much information about the FINITE RESOURCES of the Earth.

I would like to introduce to you a Topic that really worris me. 
Extinction of BEES

An ECOSYSTEM is made up of living and non-living things which work together to make a balanced system.

Enjoy this video related to Ecosystems and its elements.


Hereby, you will find some videos and games related to Body Systems. 
Have a look and review for next test.

Review on the different body systems.

1. Circulatory System
Blood and Blood Vessels

Curiosities about the HEART

2. Respitatory System
# Let´s watch this informational video from KidsHealth. Click on 

And if you are a musical person as I am, let´s have a look and sing along with this song.

Now, it is time for you to practice and resolve some questions for Respiratory System

3. Reproductive System
Now, click on this video to learn about Reproduction in human beings.

The miracle of LIFE

Now, practice on some activities!!